
Now she is six


"All things Vivien"
Today she turns six and
There's so much to say
The girl of all girls
And fearless all day,
She skis through the trees and jumps off the docks,
And always looks back
To see if you watched
Independent throughout so you better look out,
"I got this" she says
As she figures it out
Her dress is on backwards
Her hair's in her face,
It's not a big deal
As she races away
A social butterfly this one,
she seeks out her friends,
glitter and babies part of the fun,
She dances and twirls as she dresses herself
and readies for school with nobody's help,

Home with her brother, she's no second fiddle
They run head to head
and collapse with the giggles.
Now she is six 
and is learning new things, 
her teacher stands by
as Vivien spreads her wings,
Shine bright my girl
you're teaching us too,
Keep that fire going
Shoot for the moon!


First day of Kindergarten



Portland, Maine

Weekend getaway to our beloved place in Portland, Maine
the cold doesn't stop these two from having fun!


Rapunzel and Rosalee

Vivien as Rapunzel and Rosalee the skunk