
Vivien and Ally

Vivien loves fruit
so you can imagine how excited she was
when Ally asked her to help
One for you and one for me and one for the platter


Vivien turns 5

Vivien turns five today
and there's so much to say about her
this girl is so full of life
she loves her friends, her baby dolls and her colorful clothes
she especially loves to laugh,

she is all girl with her dresses and jewelry
but not a wall flower,
this one is an athlete and adventurer

she loves music and dance 
and has the most beautiful voice 
carrying a tune with ease
like a songbird

happy birthday, baby girl
we're so happy to be on this journey with you
mom and dad


Sibling love

Vivien giving her brother a hug after his first time playing goalie.
Don't let his frown fool you.  He often speaks for her and always helps her.
These two are best friends!