
A snowy Christmas

Vivien's new snow pants and coat keep her cozy warm on this snowy Christmas holiday week.  Making snow angels and sledding today.  Love her so much.  These rosy cheeks and big smile melt our hearts every time!


Christmas Day

Vivien on Christmas Day
in her velvet red dress getting cozy by the fire with her cousin
ready to celebrate the holiday in style


Christmas Eve

Christmas eve party with friends
the kids find their own little corner in the house to hang out
and play and count the minutes til Santa comes


Vivien and Rosalee

Vivien and Rosalee
friends for life
true besties


Santa and the Christmas festivals

not sure who Vivien likes more
Santa or the giant teddy bear!


Thanksgiving in Vermont

Love the mountains in Vermont
mountain views and hiking trails
four days of fun with family of 23 cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents
Vivien was the youngest and the star of the weekend


Birthday Girl

we are so proud of vivien and all that she is becoming
she is the sweetest and kindest soul and
her vibrant and colorful spirit makes us laugh and melts our hearts every day
happy birthday miss vivien
keep shining that light you have within


the skunk and the pirate

trick or treat
the skunk and the pirate
take on the town



when Vivien smiles her whole face lights up
but she also has many other faces including the mischievous one here
....and the infamous pout which is 'the real deal'


Portland in October

Portland, Maine 
our home away from home
we love coming to Portland and walking around the city
visiting the museums and farmers market
 and enjoying our family time


First day of school

Vivien's first day of school
a one-room preschool with twelve other students and two teachers
only 2 years 10 months here, still a little one, but she is ready
she is ready to learn!


Pretend play

Imagination and Creativity
Vivien loves pretend play with dolls, toys and just about anything
she feeds and dresses her babies and makes pretend food and hosts tea parties
here she makes jewelry (with play do)


September rainy day

our visit to Cape Cod Natural History Museum
it rained all day and when the clouds cleared we walked the nature path to the beach 
and stomped through all the puddles


The Fair in the Air

the story behind these smiles...the Fair is in town and they are SO excited
it rained for two days and finally the second night the weather cleared and just in time because we couldn't contain the these two any longer :)


Hand me downs

We just got another bag of the best hand me downs from Mabel.  Time for dress up!  Vivien loves clothes and shoes and now has a whole new wardrobe and her first pair of flip flops!  The wool scarf is so colorful even though it's a bit warm for our summer weather.  So cute to see how excited she is with her new clothes! 


Little fish

Water Girl
Vivien loves the water! She's always loved her tubby time and showers.  At the beach she will play in the  water all day long! This summer she's started her swim lessons and not only loves them but is doing so well!  Our little love is a little fish.


Cousin love

Our children love when their cousins visits ~ its like a four day playdate! 
Their older cousins Molly and Sean adore them and the feeling is mutual :)
Here Vivien and Molly are comparing their hair when upside down. 


Visiting Grampa

Spent a few days with Grampa on Cape Cod to celebrate the 4th holiday.
Grampa's biggest fans here!


Spring in the fields

This is Vivien at the soccer field.  She's too young to play but that doesn't stop her from having fun!    She's sitting down here but only for a second because her usual is to run along the sidelines and greet all the soccer mom's with babies.  They all know her! 


Sibling love

Wesley points out the moon to Vivien
Vivien shares her food with Wesley
Wesley lets us know what Vivien wants before Vivien does
Vivien asks for Wesley the minute she wakes up
So happy they have each other


Dress up

Vivien loves her dresses, hats and especially her shoes and momma's shoes!
She picks out her own clothes and dresses herself without a problem. 
But will not let us come near her with a hair brush!


Winter in New England

Vivien on a snow day
love these rosy cheeks