
Northern Maine for Christmas week 2015

Moosehead Lake, Maine
This was the best week!  After Christmas we packed the car and headed to Moosehead Lake with friends to celebrate the holiday and our friends wedding.  Seven hour trip into the mountains!  No wifi or cell towers to speak of.  Just us and our littles and friends and their littles.  Doesn't get better!  XO.


Christmas 2015

Love Christmas with the little ones. 
This year we left for Maine a day early to miss the snowstorm.  Our house was filled with toys and presents from Santa which were torn through in no time between Vivien and Wesley.  Vivien was mostly interested in the boxes and wrapping paper :)  She is walking now and on the move! 
It's a new world for her.  She runs with Wesley mostly, and hides and climbs and opens doors and pulls down books! 
She's also such a girly girl and loves clothes and shoes and hats!